Hepatitis C is a viral infection that can cause liver inflammation, and left untreated, it can cause serious health problems, including liver damage, cirrhosis, liver cancer, and even death. As liver damage from hepatitis C doesn’t happen immediately, many people don’t know they have hepatitis C until they experience symptoms.

Early hepatitis C diagnosis and treatment are key to preventing serious complications. Here’s how screening can enable early identification and provide health insights that can connect individuals to timely treatment and improved outcomes.

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Hepatitis C complications

Recent advances in hepatitis C treatment mean there are higher cure rates, shorter treatment times, and all-oral treatment regimens for most individuals. However, without treatment, chronic Hepatitis C infections can lead to other serious health issues, including:


While cirrhosis is commonly associated with damage from alcohol, anything that damages the liver over many years can cause scar tissue to form. After many years of hepatitis C infection, scar tissue can form and build up, taking over the liver and leading to cirrhosis. This condition makes it difficult for the liver to function. In the early stages, individuals with cirrhosis often have no symptoms. But over time, they can experience nausea, abdominal pain, and complications with fluid in the abdomen.

Liver Cancer

Individuals with Hepatitis C are at risk for liver cancer if they develop cirrhosis. When cirrhosis occurs, the healthy cells in a person’s liver are slowly replaced with scar tissue. As the scars grow, the liver tries to heal itself by creating new cells. When the liver creates more cells, there is a greater chance that a change or mutation will occur. This process can increase a person’s risk of developing liver cancer.

Liver Failure

Liver failure occurs when the liver is shutting down or has shut down. The liver is responsible for various important bodily functions, including removing harmful substances, producing proteins that allow for adequate clotting, and making bile to digest food. When the liver fails, it can no longer complete these vital tasks, and the body cannot work properly. As liver failure progresses, individuals may experience symptoms including jaundice, mental difficulties, being more prone to bleeding, swelling in extremities or stomach, and severe fatigue. A liver transplant may be a treatment option for people with significant complications due to liver failure [1].

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How screening with LetsGetChecked can help prevent complications

Without treatment, chronic Hepatitis C can be very serious. Increasing hepatitis C screening rates and the number of individuals aware of their infection status is necessary to improve healthcare outcomes and reduce the risk of complications.

Screening is key to connecting individuals to the appropriate evaluation and treatment and preventing liver disease progression. LetsGetChecked’s Hepatitis C Test identifies hepatitis C antibodies, which may indicate a current or previous disease. Our test meets individuals where they are with comprehensive care and clinical support, making it easy for them to access timely health insights and earlier detection.

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  1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/liver-transplant/about/pac-20384842