Author: Kate Higham

Have you ever wondered why you're bursting with energy at one moment and yawning the next? Or why, after a workout, do you feel your muscles getting stronger? That's hormones at work.

Men and women each have distinct hormonal systems. In men, these hormones play pivotal roles, from muscle development to emotional regulation. To ensure optimal well-being, it’s important to understand and nurture these behind-the-scenes regulators.

What are hormones?

Hormones are essentially the body's communication system. Think of them as messengers carrying important information from one part of the body to another. These chemicals are made by specific organs known as glands, which are part of the endocrine system. Once produced, hormones travel via our bloodstream and play a crucial role in regulating numerous functions. This includes how we grow, how our body burns food for energy (metabolism), our emotions and moods, and even how we reproduce. In short, these tiny messengers are instrumental in ensuring our body works harmoniously and efficiently.

Male hormones: The key players

While both sexes produce many similar hormones, concentrations and roles differ. Here are the essential hormones men should know:


  • What is it? Often termed the "male hormone," testosterone is primarily produced in the testicles.
  • What does it do? It's pivotal for developing male reproductive tissues, promoting muscle mass and bone density, and influencing body hair.

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

  • What is it? A potent derivative of testosterone.
  • What does it do? It impacts prostate health and hair growth.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

  • What it is: Produced by the adrenal glands, DHEA is a precursor to both testosterone and estrogen.
  • What it does: It supports muscle growth, bone density, and sexual function.

Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

  • What are they? These are pituitary hormones regulating testosterone and sperm production.
  • What do they do? LH triggers testosterone production, while FSH ensures healthy sperm maturation.

Yes, men have it, too! While present in smaller quantities than in women, estradiol supports brain function, bone health, and reproductive health.

Common issues with male hormones

Like any system in our bodies, hormonal balance is crucial. Hormonal imbalances in men can manifest in various ways:

  • Low testosterone (hypogonadism): Gobally low testosterone impacts 10–40% of men (1). This is a condition where the body doesn't produce enough testosterone, the primary male hormone. For many men, it is normal for testosterone to decrease with age. However, for some men with symptoms, follow-up with a healthcare provider may be required. Symptoms vary but can include fatigue, diminished libido, and loss of muscle mass.
  • Hyperandrogenism: This refers to an overproduction of androgens (like testosterone). The outcome? Issues include acne, excessive hair growth, and even some metabolic problems.
  • DHT overproduction: Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a derivative of testosterone. When in excess, it's a culprit for conditions like male pattern baldness and prostate enlargement.
  • Gynecomastia: This occurs when there's an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen in males, leading to the enlargement of breast tissue.
  • Hair Loss: Apart from the well-known male pattern baldness due to high DHT, other hormonal imbalances can also contribute to hair thinning or loss.
  • Imbalances in LH & FSH: Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) play a crucial role in reproduction. Any imbalances here can impact sperm production, leading to a potential impact on fertility.

Understanding these potential imbalances is the first step toward addressing and managing them effectively.

Tips for optimizing your health

Tip #1: Adopt a nutrient-rich diet
Prioritize a diet filled with essential nutrients, including zinc, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids (2).

Tip #2: Engage in regular exercise
Incorporating physical activity, particularly resistance training like weight lifting, can naturally elevate testosterone levels. Additionally, exercise is a proven mood enhancer, helping combat mood-related symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

Tip #3: Master stress management
Prolonged stress can have a negative impact on your health. (3). Tools like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and ensuring you get quality sleep can be invaluable in managing and reducing stress.

Tip #4 Prioritize sleep
Aim for a restful 7-9 hours each night (4). Here's an interesting fact: our testosterone levels naturally peak during deep sleep phases. Hence, a good night's rest isn't just about feeling refreshed—it directly impacts hormone balance.

Tip #5: Moderate alcohol consumption
While the occasional drink might not be harmful, excessive alcohol intake can disrupt testosterone production and lead to broader hormonal imbalances (5).

Tip #6: Schedule regular check-ups
Prevention is always better than cure. By keeping a close eye on your health through scheduling check-ups with your healthcare provider, you can detect potential issues early, allowing for timely intervention.

Check, don’t guess your hormone levels

Why wonder about your hormone levels when you can get concrete answers? Knowledge is power. With LetsGetChecked's convenient and confidential test kit, you're in control. Share all results with your healthcare provider and let them know if you are experiencing any symptoms.

Here's how it works:

  • Order online: Select the right male hormone test kit for you.
  • Collect your sample: Once your kit arrives, follow the easy instructions.
  • Return your kit: Return your sample to our certified labs using the prepaid envelope.
  • Unlock key insights & support: Within 2-5 days, your detailed results will be available via your secure online account. If you have any concerns, our dedicated medical experts are available for consultations, offering advice and guidance.

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  3. The National Sleep Foundation: How many hours of sleep do you really need? Online.
  4. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI): Alcohol’s Effects on Male Reproduction. Online.